IOMP-Webinar "International Women's Day with Medical Physics Professionals Across the Continents"
Das IOMP-Webinar "International Women's Day with Medical Physics Professionals Across the Continents" findet statt am 7. März 2025 in der Zeit von 12 - 1 pm GMT.
Loredana Marcu
Loredana Marcu
Eva Bezak
1. Gesprächsrunde "Status of Women Medical Physicists in the US and the AAPM"
Dr. Jennifer Pursley, Mayo Clinic Department of Radiation Oncology
2. Gesprächsrunde "Empowering Women’s Leadership in Medical Physics: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia"
Dr. Chai Hong Yeong, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
3. Gesprächsrunde "Leading with Purpose: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities as a Young-Career Medical Physicist in Europe"
Dr. Oleksandra Ivashchenko, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
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